List of extinct animals of North America
This is an incomplete list of extinct animals of North America. This list covers only extinctions from the Holocene epoch, a geological period that extends from the present day back to about 10,000 radiocarbon years, approximately 11,430 ± 130 calendar years BP (between 9560 and 9300 BC).
Prehistoric extinctions (beginning of the Holocene to 1500 AD)
- American cheetahs Miracinonyx trumani and Miracinonyx inexpectatus, 11000 BC.
- American lion Panthera leo atrox, USA, Canada and Mexico, 10000 BC
- American mastodon Mammut americanum, USA and Canada, 4080 BC
- American scimitar cats Homotherium, ssp., USA, Canada, Mexico, 10000 BC
- Ancient bison Bison antiquus, USA, 8000 BC.
- Beringian cave lion Panthera leo vereshchagini, Northern USA and Canada, 11000 BC.
- California tapirs Tapirus californicus and Tapirus merriami, USA, 11000 BC.
- Caribbean ground sloths, ssp. Caribbean islands, 5000 BC.
- Columbian mammoth Mammuthus columbi, USA and Mexico, 5800 BC.
- Dire wolf Canis dirus, USA, Canada, Mexico, 8000 BC.
- Florida giant beaver Castoroides leiseyorum, Florida, USA, 11000 BC.
- Florida saber-toothed cat Xenosmilus hodsonae, USA, 11000 BC.
- Florida spectacled bear Tremarctos floridanus, USA, 8000 BC.
- Giant beaver Castoroides ohioensis, Great Lakes region, 11000 BC.
- Giant hutia ssp. Caribbean islands, 1000 BC.
- Giant polar bear Ursus maritimus tyrannus, Arctic region.
- Giant short-faced bear Arctodus simus, USA, 8000 BC.
- Glyptotherium ssp. USA and Mexico, 8000 BC.
- Hagerman horse Equus simplicidens, USA, 10000 BC.
- Harlan's ground sloth Paramylodon harlani, USA and Mexico, 11000 BC.
- Harlan's muskox or Woodland Muskox Bootherium bombifrons, USA, 9000 BC.
- Harrington's mountain goat Oreamnos harringtoni, USA, 12000 10000 BC.
- Ice Age bison Bison latifrons, Canada, USA and Mexico, 22000 BC.
- Imperial mammoth Mammuthus imperator, USA, 11000 BC.
- Jefferson's ground sloth Megalonyx jeffersonii, USA and Canada, 10000-9000BC.
- Large-headed llama Hemiauchenia macrocephala, USA and Mexico, 11000 BC.
- LeConte’s peccary Platygonus, ssp. USA, Canada and Mexico, 11000 BC.
- Long-nosed peccary Mylohyus nasutus, ssp. USA, 9,000 BC.
- Mountain deer Navahoceros fricki USA, 10000 BC.
- Mexican horse, Equus conversidens USA and Mexico, 11000 BC.
- North American capybara Neochoerus pinckneyi, USA and Mexico, 11000 BC.
- Northern pampathere Holmesina septentrionalis, USA, 11000 BC.
- Panamerican ground sloth Eremotherium laurillardi, Canada, USA, Mexico, 11000 BC.
- Pygmy mammoth Mammuthus exilis, Channel Islands of California, USA, 10800-11300 BC.
- Saber-tooth cats Smilodon fatalis and Smilodon populator, North and South America, 8000 BC.
- Saiga antelope Saiga tatarica, USA and Canada, 11000 BC.
- Shasta ground sloth Nothrotheriops, spp. USA, 11000 BC.
- Scott's horse Equus scotti, USA and Mexico, 11000 BC.
- Shrub-ox Euceratherium collinum 9500 BC
- Stag-moose Cervalces scotti, USA and Canada, 12000 BC.
- Steppe wisent Bison priscus, Canada and Alaska, 12000 BC.
- Stilt-legged llama Hemiauchenia macrocephala, USA and Mexico, 11000 BC.
- Stout-legged llama Palaeolama mirifica, USA, 11000 BC
- Tar-pit pronghorn Capromeryx minor, USA and Mexico, 11000 BC.
- Western camel Camelops hesternus, USA and Mexico, 8000 BC.
- Woolly mammoth Mammuthus primigenius, Northern USA, 2000 BC.
- Yukon wild horse Equus lambei, USA and Canada, 11000 BC.
Recent extinctions (1500 AD to present)
- Antillean Cave Rat
- Insular Cave Rat Heteropsomys insulans, 1600s
- Corozal Rat
- Eastern Cougar Puma concolor couguar, 2011
- Puerto Rican Shrew Nesophontes edithae. 1600s
- Puerto Rican Long-nosed Bat Monophyllus frater
- Puerto Rican Long-tongued Bat
- Lesser Puerto Rican Ground Sloth
- Sherman's Pocket Gopher
- Goff's Pocket Gopher Geomys pinetis goffi
- Tacoma Pocket Gopher Thomomys mazama tacomensis
- Giant Deer Mouse
- Pallid Beach Mouse Peromyscus polionotus decoloratus, 1959
- Gull Island Vole Microtus pennsylvanicus nesophilus, 1897
- Louisiana Vole
- Puerto Rican Hutia Isolobodon portoricensis
- Puerto Rican Paca
- Lesser Puerto Rican Agouti
- Greater Puerto Rican Agouti
- Sea Mink Mustela macrodon, 1860
- Caribbean Monk Seal Monachus tropicalis, 1952
- Steller's Sea Cow Hydrodamalis gigas, 1768
- Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit subpopulation of Pygmy Rabbit
- Arizona Wapiti
- Colorado Hog-nosed Skunk
- Smith Island Cottontail
- Allen's Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel
- Banks Island Wolf Canis lupus bernardi, 1920
- Cascade Mountains Wolf Canis lupus fuscus, 1940
- Antillean Giant Rice Rat
- Eastern Elk Cervus canadensis canadiensis, 1887
- Merriam's Elk Cervus canadensis merriami, 1913
- Arizona Jaguar Panthera onca arizonensis, 1905
- Tule Shrew Sorex ornatus juncensis, 1905
Prehistoric extinctions (begin Holocene to 1500 AD)
Recent extinctions (1500 AD to present)
Possibly Extinct
Prehistoric extinctions (Holocene to 1500AD)
Modern extinctions (1500 AD to present)
Possibly Extinct
Possibly Extinct
- Longjaw Cisco,
- Deepwater Cisco,
- Lake Ontario Kiyi,
- Blackfin Cisco,
- Yellowfin Cutthroat Trout,
- Alvord Cutthroat Trout,
- Silver Trout,
- Maravillas Red Shiner,
- Independence Valley Tui Chub,
- Thicktail Chub,
- Pahranagat Spinedace,
- Phantom Shiner,
- Las Vegas Dace,
- Grass Valley Speckled Dace,
- Clear Lake Splittail,
- Snake River Sucker,
- Harelip Sucker,
- Tecopa Pupfish,
- Shoshone Pupfish,
- Raycraft Ranch Killifish,
- Pahrump Ranch Killifish,
- Ash Meadows Killifish,
- Amistad Gambusia,
- San Marcos Gambusia,
- Blue Walleye,
- Maryland darter,
- Utah Lake Sculpin
- Banff Longnose Dace
Possibly extinct
- Pecatonica River Mayfly,
- Robert's Stonefly,
- Fort Ross Weevil,
- Mono Lake Diving Beetle,
- Xerces Blue,
- Chestnut Ermine Moth,
- American Chestnut Moth,
- Phleophaga Chestnut Moth,
- Central Valley Grasshopper,
- Rocky Mountain Locust,
- Antioch Dunes Shieldback Katydid,
- Caribbean Monk Seal Nasal Mite,
- Nevada Water Mite,
- Passenger Pigeon Mite,
- Coosa elktoe,
- Carolina elktoe,
- Ochlockonee arcmussel,
- Recovery pearly mussel,
- Arc-form pearly mussel,
- Acorn pearly mussel,
- Lewis pearly mussel,
- Nearby pearly mussel,
- Sampson's pearly mussel,
- Steward's pearly mussel,
- Turgid-blossom pearly mussel,
- Shoal sprite,
- Cahaba pebblesnail,
- Umbilicate pebblesnail,
- Mount matafao different snail,
- Short-spired elimia,
- Closed elimia,
- Fusiform elimia,
- High-spired elimia,
- Constricted elimia,
- Hearty elimia,
- Ribbed elimia,
- Rough-lined elimia,
- Pupa elimia,
- Pygmy elimia,
- Cobble elimia,
- Puzzle elimia,
- Excised slitshell,
- Striate slitshell,
- Pagoda slitshell,
- Ribbed slitshell,
- Pyramid slitshell,
- Round slitshell,
- Lined pocketbook,
- Eelgrass limpet,
See also
- IUCN 2006. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <>. Downloaded on 10 February 2007.
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